Curriculum Development & Digital eLearning Conversions
Support Your Student's Learning Journey
High quality teaching, learning and assessment resources are key to providing good quality training to your students.
Coast Wide Training Solutions will develop bespoke teaching, learning, assessment materials and tools to align with industry standards and compliance requirements, contextualised to your RTO, your industry, your students.
Bespoke Resource Development
Each pack will contain:
Student Learning Guide
Facilitator Slides
Delivery Plan
Student Assessment Kit
Assessor Marking Guide
Pre-Assessment Mapping evidence
Additional student documents, forms, tools and templates
Work verification reports for work-based practical assessment tasks
We will provide you with contextualised and branded resources and tools that are specifically written to meet the needs of your RTO, for the units of competency that make up the programs that you deliver.
Coast Wide Training Solutions specialise in the following training packages
TLI Transport and Logistics (light vehicles, heavy vehicles, rail and petroleum fuels)
RII Resources and Infrastructure (mining and machinery)
CHC and HLT Community services and health (Ageing, disability and allied health care)
UET Electrotechnology
CPC Construction
AHC Agriculture and horticulture
BSB Business Services
Rates will vary. Contact us for a quote.
Expect approximately 4-6 weeks of development time.
Digital eLearning Conversion
Converting your existing “paper-based” materials into digital eLearning modules directly into your LMS or providing SCORM files for integration.
Basic Digital = $3,600 per unit (Limit digitisation and engagement features.)
Fully Digital = $4,000 per unit (Includes videos, voice overs, animation and digital engagement features)